Exposición ¨Orígenes¨
Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social
Mallorca, Islas Baleares, España
12 al 23 de enero de 2015
Fotografías y Vídeo por:
Héctor Falagán De Cabo | hfilms & photography
Héctor Falagán De Cabo | hfilms & photography

***** ¡ DIEGO FAYOS ! *****
Exposición ¨Orígenes¨
02:15 minutos
***** ¡ DIEGO FAYOS ! *****
I was born... Human
06:00 minutos

Texto tomado de:
Technician in Arts and Desig. School of Design and Conservation and Restoration of the Cultural Goods in Palma de Mallorca (1997-2001).
Disciple of Luis Castaldo.
Member of the School Board. School of Design and Conservation and Restoration of the Cultural Goods Palma-Mallorca (2000).
New ceramic materials specialist -U.N.E.D University course in Madrid (2006).
Peter Owen´s disciple Palma-Mallorca (1992-1999).
"Orígenes": Gallery of the "Tesorería de la seguridad social" in Palma de Mallorca (Spain 2015).
"Orígenes": Carlos Guzmán´s Gallery "Artefacto" in La Habana (Cuba 2012).
"Fragmentos vitales": Gallery "Dionis Bennássar". Madrid (Spain 2006).
"Diego Fayos, cerámicas y pinturas": Gallery "Ca,n Pinós". Palma (Spain 2002).
"Ikusi arte-Murkil": "Oficina de Turismo of Zarauzt" (Spain 2014).
"Nit de Art Sóller": Sóller - Mallorca (Spain 2013).
"Arena Art Nit": Port de Sóller - Mallorca (Spain 2013).
"Nitx de Art": Felanitx-Mallorca (Spain 2013).
"Women": Gallery "Zenitart" in Palma -Mallorca (Spain 2013).
"Nit de Art": Gallery "Zenitart" in Palma -Mallorca (Spain 2013).
"Rakú":Gallery and workshops "Terracota 4" with the artist Amelia Garcia in La Habana (Cuba 2012).
"Global Warning": Gallery "33&1/3" in Amsterdam (Netherlands 2010).
"Arte Oculto": Gallery "Casa Prestada" in Madrid (Spain 2007).
Fair "Dearte" with the Gallery "Dionis Bennássar" in Madrid (Spain 2006).
Fair "Regata Conde de Barcelona" in Palma -Mallorca (Spain 2005).
"Araco" Gallery in Palma - Mallorca (Spain 2004).
Fair of Marratxi-Mallorca (Spain 2001).
"Expo Didáctica 99" Palma - Mallorca (Spain 1999).
"Rakú" Marratxí - Mallorca (Spain 1998).
Curator "Thyssen Museum". Exhibitions of "Ariha", "Miró", "PhotoEspaña", "Otto Dix" and "Modigliani" Madrid (Spain 2008).
Collaborator in the event "Nit d´Art". Balearic Parlament (Spain 2015).
Visitor at the "Artcamp" UNESCO event in Ordino (Andorra 2014).
Collaborator in the conference of the artist Avittal Sheffer. Workshop "Sosabravo". Group "El Alboroto Quieto" La Habana (Cuba 2012).
Juror in the event for Christmas art works in the district of San Blas, Madrid (Spain 2007).
Desing´s Supervisor. "Forletter"/ christmas campaign for the NGO "Ayuda en Acción" Madrid - Spain (2007).
Candidate for a "Future of art". Fair "Dearte". Gallery "Dionis Bennássar". Madrid (Spain 2006).
Ceramic teacher. "Palmyra open day". "Palmyra sculpture center" Establiments - Mallorca (2013).
Collaborator.Exhibition "El soldadito de plomo" with the artists Joan Ramis "Sineu" and Jesus canovas. "Nit Art Palma" (2013).
Rakú event. Workshop "Terracota 4" La Habana - Cuba (2012).
Recovery of ancient ceramics in the archelogical site of "Ses Paises" Arta - Mallorca (2010).
Restoration of ancient walls. "IMFOF". Mallorca (2002 - 2003).
Restoration of the Soller´s parish archibancos, Mallorca (1994 - 1996).
Program "Miradas d,estiu" in the "Art Nit Sóller" Channel "IB3" Mallorca (2013).
Program "Es meu redol" Channel "IB3" Mallorca (2008).
Program in representation of the School of art and design and conservation and restoration of the cultural goods Channel "Canal 4" (1998).
Program about the exhibition"Cerámicas y pinturas" . Gallery Ca,n Pinós Channel "Ona Mallorca" Palma-Mallorca (2002).
Program "El ojo crítico" about exhibition in the Gallery "Dionis Bennássar" "Fragmentos Vitales" Madrid Channel RNE 1 (2006).
Carlos Guzmán´s Gallery "Artefacto" ( La habana, Cuba) Tesorería de la seguridad social de las Islas Baleares. (Palma , Spain).
Más información sobre Diego Fayos: